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Tax Identification Number (TIN) Guide

Country TIN or Equivalent Location
Austria ATIN / St.Nr.
  • Found on tax assessment notices (Steuerbescheid) and income tax returns.
  • It can also be located on payroll slips or correspondence from the tax office
Belgium Numéro National - NN
  • Printed on the back of your Belgian ID card.
  • It also appears on social security documents and tax filings.
Bulgaria ЕГН
  • This is your Unified Civil Number, found on your Bulgarian ID card (Лична карта).
Croatia OIB
  • Your Personal Identification Number is found on ID cards, official documents, and tax forms.
Cyprus TIC
  • Located on tax assessment notices, tax returns, or any official correspondence from the Tax Department.
Czech Republic DIČ / Rodné číslo
  • Rodné číslo: Found on ID cards, birth certificates, and tax returns.
  • DIČ: This is issued for tax purposes and appears on tax documents and invoices.
Denmark CPR - Personal ID Number
  • Located on your yellow health insurance card (Sundhedskort) and official documents.
Estonia IK - Isikukood
  • Located on your ID card, passport, or any official document.
Finland Henkilötunnus - HETU
  • Located on your Finnish ID card, passport, or official correspondence.
France NIF
  • Located on your tax assessment notice (avis d’impôt) or tax returns.
Germany Steuer-ID
  • Printed on your tax assessment notices (Steuerbescheid) and income tax returns.
  • Also, sent in an official letter when you register with the local tax authority
Greece AFM
  • Found on tax returns, receipts, and official documents. Issued by the local tax office (DOY).
Hungary Adószám
  • It is located on the Hungarian tax card (Adókártya)
Ireland PPS Number
  • It is on your PPS card, payslips, or official tax documents
Italy Codice Fiscale - CF
  • Printed on the Italian ID card, health card (Tessera Sanitaria), and all tax documents.
Latvia PVN
  • Found on official tax returns or issued tax documents.
Lithuania PVM / AK
  • PVM: VAT number for businesses.
  • AK: Found on ID cards or official documents for individuals.
Luxembourg IN
  • Located on official tax notices, pay slips, or social security documents.
Malta ID Number
  • Found on the Maltese ID card.
Netherlands BSN - Burger Service Nummer
  • Printed on your ID card, passport, or payslip.
Poland PESEL / NIP
  • PESEL: Found on your Polish ID card or passport.
  • NIP: Issued by the tax office and found on tax documents.
Portugal NIF - Número de Identificação Fiscal
  • Printed on your Portuguese tax card, tax returns, and official correspondence.
Romania CNP / CIF
  • CNP: Found on ID cards or birth certificates.
  • CIF: Used for businesses and located on tax documents.
Slovakia RC - Rodné číslo
  • Located on Slovak ID cards or birth certificates
Slovenia RC - Rodne številke
  • Printed on Slovenian ID cards, passports, or tax documents. 
Spain NIE / DNI / NIF
  • DNI: Printed on Spanish national ID cards.
  • NIE: Issued to foreigners and found on residency documents.
  • NIF: Used on tax returns and official documents.
Sweden Personnummer - PN
  • Found on your Swedish ID card, tax returns, and correspondence with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).
United Kingdom National Insurance (NI) Number
  • Found on Tax, Health, and Pension documents